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In 2022 Shakia partnered with Marlesha Woods, Equity in Arts Director, with the intent to donate 30% of her solo exhibition proceeds to benefit Louisville's youth have access to art programming, supplies, and experiences.  The exhibition, entitled "In Bloom", was a beautiful display of 22 oil paintings by the self-taught painter. The diverse collection of works created an immersive experience and drew large crowds during the reception.

Visitors were captivated by the bold colors and textures that leapt off the canvas in each painting. Every painting had its own unique story and emotion that the artist was able to capture through her brushstrokes. Many viewers commented on how the solo exhibition made them feel inspired and connected with the artwork in a profound way. This solo exhibition showed a deep appreciation for artistry, as well as a passion for learning and growth as an artist. The artist is truly an inspiration and her solo exhibition was a beautiful reminder of the beauty that can be created with oil paints.


If you missed out on "In Bloom," don't worry - there's sure to be more solo exhibitions showcasing the hard work and dedication of this talented self-taught painter in the near future. Keep your eyes peeled for exciting updates! You can view the online gallery here

emerging louisville ky oil painter shakia harris solo exhibition debuted in the illustrious NULU, Downtown Louisville area. Her exhibit featured 22 original oil paintings influenced by her journey with surviving gun violence and creating a new life.

emerging louisville ky oil painter shakia harris solo exhibition debuted in the illustrious NULU, Downtown Louisville area. Her exhibit featured 22 original oil paintings influenced by her journey with surviving gun violence and creating a new life.
emerging louisville ky oil painter shakia harris solo exhibition debuted in the illustrious NULU, Downtown Louisville area. Her exhibit featured 22 original oil paintings influenced by her journey with surviving gun violence and creating a new life.