5 Ways Artwork Can Brighten A Dark Room
Posted by Shakia harris on Apr 20th 2022
1. Go Natural
If the space is lacking natural light, try artwork with natural themes (flowers, foliage, trees, etc.). In other words, bring the outdoors inside and pair with a natural wood or gold frame.
Kiss Me More 18inx24in oil painting by Shakia Harris
"The Wind is Talkin" 36inx48in oil painting by Shakia Harris
2. Go Bright or Go Home
Choosing artwork with bright color palettes is another clever way to lighten a dark space. If you deal with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a type of depression, surrounding yourself by bright colors like yellow is a proactive step you can take to fight the blues (pun, intended :) )
"Rise Up Higher" 36inx48in oil painting by Shakia Harris
3. Combine texture with patterns
"Intruding Cinnamon" 30x40 in. oil painting
"Elevated Galah" 16x20in oil painting by Shakia Harris
4. Less is more
Wall space will reflect light. Avoid over-cluttering a wall with too many pieces of art. You can accomplish the same effect with larger art instead of a dozen smaller pieces.
"Nirvana 2" 20x20in oil by Shakia Harris
"Keep Dancing and Call it love" 30x40in oil
5. Add some shine
Look for artwork with metallic finishes, gold/silver leaf, or gloss varnish to amp up existing light in the space.
Lavish Goldenrod 16x20in oil painting
-Everlasting, 20x20 oil painting, Shakia Harris
Do you have any additional tips? I'd love to hear them!
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