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Pastel Rush 20x24 OIL PAINTING

Was: $345.60
On Sale: $311.04
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In the vibrant and expressive abstract painting titled "Pastel Rush" along with “Crush On You” Shakia channels the bold and unapologetic spirit of Lil Kim into a riotous explosion of thick pastel colors.


This dynamic composition is a visual celebration of individuality, confidence, and empowerment.

At the heart of the canvas, shades of rich purple dominate in captivating patterns. The purple represents a sense of royalty and self-assuredness, echoing Lil Kim's iconic persona and her fearless approach to self-expression.

*Name: Pastel Rush

*Painter: Shakia Harris

*Medium: Professional oils on stretched canvas

*Size: 20"x24"

*Includes Dustcover & picture hanging hardware

*Varnish Applied: Clear & protective coating for oil paintings. Will not cloud or yellow with age.

*Canvas Edges: Default crisp white. If image wrap is added it will add an additional 1-3 business days to processing time.